Monday, March 8, 2010

My Location - Alpine, CA

Many have asked about my location. Mountain Health and Community Services has 5 clinic sites. The site in the middle of all of them is located in Alpine, CA. Alpine Family Medicine has the majority of the bottom floor of this Alpine Regional Center building. I have a desk in an office I share with a VERY fun woman Robyn! Maybe I can snag her picture next time.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Trip (much belated entry)

I wanted to put up a few pictures of my trip out to California. I chose scenes that were absolutely beautiful to me or a fun surprise.

The sequence went like this.

1 - Started off in RTP, NC last day of work was 12-23-09

2- Madison, FL on 12-24/25-09 for family Christmas celebration and to pick up my mom who traveled with me

3- New Orleans, LA 12-26-09

4 - San Antonio, TX 12-27-09

5- Las Cruces, NM (first surprise..we woke up to snow and the hotel manager said he had not seen that in the 5 years he lived there) 12-28-09

6- Sedona, AZ 12-29 to 12-30-09

7- Grand Canyon. 12-30-09 to 1-1-2010. We traveled in a snow storm to get there! Was snowed in the first night. The second day was New Year's Eve and it was minus 11 degrees during the morning. It was snow covered and gorgeous!!! The evening of NY Eve there was a full moon on the snow at night and it was so cold we could not breathe but the sight of it all was unforgettable.

8 - Las Vegas, NM (spent New Year's Day/Night there). From Grand Canyon to Las Vegas I passed the point in I-40 which was my last chance to turn around and head home to NC. I continued on!! My fun in Las Vegas was seeing my mom win some cash for her first visit ever to LV!

9 - Arrived into San Diego, CA on 1-2-10.

10 - On the 3rd I traveled to Alpine, CA which is the location of my assignment.

I took a lot of photos on the trip out. Click on the link for some highlights. Please enjoy!